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€ 117,92

Published by: Fonds Mercator

Authors: François NEYT

Number of pages: 398

Size: 26.5 x 30.3 x 3.2 cm

Finish: hardback 

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Fascinating in form and phenomenal in beauty, Songye statuary is invested with a force unequalled in Central Africa. The Songye, a tribal people located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, are best known for their distinctive statues and masks, which for centuries have been used to protect villages, ward off enemies and bring fertility and wealth.+ Considered to be imbued with magical energy and used only by village shalans, these statues have enormous cultural and historical significance and are also powerful works of art in their own right. In this volume, almost one thousand figures and statuettes have been meticulously gathered together and examined morphologically, stylistically and historically.


François Neyt, a leading specialist in Central African art, reveals the impressive identity of this vibrant collection. This book is a valuable reference for art historians and collectors alike.